Kim kardashian in Abidjan? Well if that was not a surprise to many then one might wonder, what is the significance of Kim Kardashian in Abidjan? Well for starters having Kim Kardashian in Abidjan signifies to the pop culture world that Africa and in particular Ivory Coast can hold its own.
Well here is the reason why Ivory Cost got to see Kim Kardashian in Abidjan.
Kim kardashian tweeted this her first morning in Abidjan. She let her fans know the reason why she is currently in Abidjan.
Okay maybe this was not the reason why Kim Kardashian ended up in Africa with photos and videos splashed all over African tweeterville. Perphaps the real reason for having Kim KARDASHIAN OVER IN ABIDJAN was simply her compassionate nature. She wants to help the poor children in Abidjan. The reason we say this is because she tweeted:
Kim Kardashian @KimKardashian Just left an orphanage here in Abidjan and met some of the sweetest children ever! ♡♫
How so very thoughtful of Kim to help the children of Ivory Coast. Here are photos of her arrival in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

Aww nice! Now could partying be the real reason she decided to visit Ivory Coast? Did she get paid big time from Africa's Oil rich nation? What was her appearance fee? Check her out singing her heart away at a night Club in Abidjan.

What we need to know is who invited her to Abidjan. Usually it is the talk of the town when a celebrity as big as Miss Kardashian steps into the beautiful continent. So we decided to find out what from the local folks in Abidjan. According to the local papers she came to help the local Orphanage? Well here are photos from her visit yesterday to an Orphanage in Abidjan.

Glad to know Kim Kardashian is doing the world a lot of good right? Well the truth is she was paid Millions by sim card Manufacturer MA LIFE and why not? Thanks Abidjan!
Why was Kim Kardashian in Abidjan?
Well here is the reason why Ivory Cost got to see Kim Kardashian in Abidjan.
Kim kardashian tweeted this her first morning in Abidjan. She let her fans know the reason why she is currently in Abidjan.
"In Africa, doing a Tracy Anderson dvd in my lingerie bc I forgot workout clothes! @jOYCEBONELLi thinks I’m nuts! LOL” the 32-year-old pregnant reality star "
Okay maybe this was not the reason why Kim Kardashian ended up in Africa with photos and videos splashed all over African tweeterville. Perphaps the real reason for having Kim KARDASHIAN OVER IN ABIDJAN was simply her compassionate nature. She wants to help the poor children in Abidjan. The reason we say this is because she tweeted:

How so very thoughtful of Kim to help the children of Ivory Coast. Here are photos of her arrival in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Aww nice! Now could partying be the real reason she decided to visit Ivory Coast? Did she get paid big time from Africa's Oil rich nation? What was her appearance fee? Check her out singing her heart away at a night Club in Abidjan.
What we need to know is who invited her to Abidjan. Usually it is the talk of the town when a celebrity as big as Miss Kardashian steps into the beautiful continent. So we decided to find out what from the local folks in Abidjan. According to the local papers she came to help the local Orphanage? Well here are photos from her visit yesterday to an Orphanage in Abidjan.
Glad to know Kim Kardashian is doing the world a lot of good right? Well the truth is she was paid Millions by sim card Manufacturer MA LIFE and why not? Thanks Abidjan!