ISHA SESAY IS ENGAGED written by Isy Coker
Our favorite Journalist, ISHA SESAY IS ENGAGED! Born in Jan 6th 1976, Isha is an English journalist of Sierra Leonean descent. May we also say she so happens to be our very favorite news anchor on CNN International and HLN. She is currrently based at the network's world headquarters in Atlanta, where she hosts the news programs CNN NewsCenter and BackStory. In addition to her work at CNN International, she is the permanent presenter of 360 Bulletin on Anderson Cooper 360°. She recently joined HLN as a co-anchor for Evening Express. That is why we got super excited when Anderson Cooper spilled the beans about her engagement.
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ISHA SESAY IS ENGAGEDWatch the video below. We definitely know Anderson Cooper will be invited to the wedding. We cant wait to feature her wedding here now that Isha Sesay is engaged. Isha is certainly very popular within the African Continent. You can certainly bet that everyone would love to see her wedding live if only she will oblige.[/caption]
In a recent interview, Isha spoke about her love life. Here is a snippet of that interview below:
Isha Sesay replied: No guy has ever told me that so I can’t say that. But people tell me that and read that. But no guy has ever said “oh by the way, we are all intimidated by you” so I can’t speak to that. It’s not easy to balance though. You make a plan and say ‘I will meet you and we’ll do this over the weekend’ and then something happens and you are somewhere else. It takes a very understanding person. It also takes a person that’s very self assured and isn’t troubled by you being stopped or being interrupted. It takes a very special guy and I’ll let you know when I find him.
When asked about her sense of style she replied
When there are events and I have to get dressed up for, I like clean lines. Old glamour Carolina Herrera, daytime Stella McCartney kind of paired down tailored clean lines. If I am not doing any of that, some sneakers and flat shoes. My mother is always like ‘you need to wear heels’. ‘You’ll never get married if you go wondering around like that with a baseball cap’. She said to me a couple of weeks ago ‘are you going out with that baseball cap, please I am begging you don’t go out looking like that’.
When asked if she felt any pressure to get married?
Isha Sesay replied: No, because my brother just got married so there is no pressure at all. Now, everyone has just given up. I say that and it doesn’t trouble me but I do think that him getting married has been extremely beneficial for me. Because he just got married and he had a baby and I am so grateful. Before that family was saying ‘if you can’t find one for yourself we’ll find you one’. But now they don’t say that because I say ‘look at my nephew, play with him’. And that’s sort of calming them. Its funny how I think in society, and I don’t think it’s just an African thing, but I think in African society people are more vocal about it. Despite what I do and whatever level of success you want to attribute to it, the fact that I am not married somehow its still incomplete. They are like ‘oh you are successful but you are not married’ but I think that’s across the board I don’t think it’s just an African thing. It’s just that my relatives will say to me. ‘Aha what’s wrong with you, why are you not married’.
Well now that Isha Sesay is engaged we bet the relatives are no longer asking that question. What we really love about Isha is simply the fact that she represents Africa in a positive light.
Our favorite Journalist, ISHA SESAY IS ENGAGED! Born in Jan 6th 1976, Isha is an English journalist of Sierra Leonean descent. May we also say she so happens to be our very favorite news anchor on CNN International and HLN. She is currrently based at the network's world headquarters in Atlanta, where she hosts the news programs CNN NewsCenter and BackStory. In addition to her work at CNN International, she is the permanent presenter of 360 Bulletin on Anderson Cooper 360°. She recently joined HLN as a co-anchor for Evening Express. That is why we got super excited when Anderson Cooper spilled the beans about her engagement.
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In a recent interview, Isha spoke about her love life. Here is a snippet of that interview below:
When asked How do you balance a love life around your career? Do you find men are intimidated by your success?
Isha Sesay replied: No guy has ever told me that so I can’t say that. But people tell me that and read that. But no guy has ever said “oh by the way, we are all intimidated by you” so I can’t speak to that. It’s not easy to balance though. You make a plan and say ‘I will meet you and we’ll do this over the weekend’ and then something happens and you are somewhere else. It takes a very understanding person. It also takes a person that’s very self assured and isn’t troubled by you being stopped or being interrupted. It takes a very special guy and I’ll let you know when I find him.
When asked about her sense of style she replied
When there are events and I have to get dressed up for, I like clean lines. Old glamour Carolina Herrera, daytime Stella McCartney kind of paired down tailored clean lines. If I am not doing any of that, some sneakers and flat shoes. My mother is always like ‘you need to wear heels’. ‘You’ll never get married if you go wondering around like that with a baseball cap’. She said to me a couple of weeks ago ‘are you going out with that baseball cap, please I am begging you don’t go out looking like that’.
When asked if she felt any pressure to get married?
Isha Sesay replied: No, because my brother just got married so there is no pressure at all. Now, everyone has just given up. I say that and it doesn’t trouble me but I do think that him getting married has been extremely beneficial for me. Because he just got married and he had a baby and I am so grateful. Before that family was saying ‘if you can’t find one for yourself we’ll find you one’. But now they don’t say that because I say ‘look at my nephew, play with him’. And that’s sort of calming them. Its funny how I think in society, and I don’t think it’s just an African thing, but I think in African society people are more vocal about it. Despite what I do and whatever level of success you want to attribute to it, the fact that I am not married somehow its still incomplete. They are like ‘oh you are successful but you are not married’ but I think that’s across the board I don’t think it’s just an African thing. It’s just that my relatives will say to me. ‘Aha what’s wrong with you, why are you not married’.
Well now that Isha Sesay is engaged we bet the relatives are no longer asking that question. What we really love about Isha is simply the fact that she represents Africa in a positive light.