Choose a platform that you’re comfortable with and a lot of people would say you should start with your own domain first of all, but realize a lot of the top bloggers out there for example Linda IKEJI currently did not own their own domain name but she’s generating a steady amount of income from her blog making use of social media marketing.
As an African save YOUR money, when starting out go with the blogger platform. That is the way top blogs like, not just okay, Linda Ikeji and even top search engine optimization blog started out that way.
To get started, sign up with It is very easy to get started simply go to the steps and get your blog ready it allows you to choose a design from one of the templates available.
set up your first blog with blogger
Do that first, this is not the time to start looking for premium template you’re trying to get started with the least amount possible leaking like generating income from your blog.
Step three, the get pick a name for your blog. Before you do so think about what you’re blogging about, are you passionate about the topic or you can just set yourself up to fail by blogging about something because you heard the keywords in $20 a click.

african pro blogger
As you can see the name of  the blog is African pro and the aim is to show you how to use social media marketing to your advantage to earn  income-as an entrepreneur. So for example, if you’re blogging about fashion in Africa do not name your blog without titling your blog.
That is a big no-no do not name your blog, fashion Africa by me for the people in that is a grieving long domain name and nobody I see nobody is going to remember it. And then pick something fresh something that speaks to you, a good example I fashion now the domain is probably taken but the give you an idea and in your title field in blogger you could put in showcasing the splendor of African fashion to the world.
Step four, commenting, you can keep your comments on the moderation when starting out I know a lot of people say to moderate right away what I’ve learned is you want people to comment because that drives income by creating content for your blog. However in the comments get other hand you join you can set up the moderation.
The content for your blog, content is everywhere you just have to look, sign up for alerts on Google me know what your blog is going to be about. But we’ll get into the full content in the upcoming posts. But content is key writing your first post originally not copy and paste. You do not have to be in English genius to write a blog post, in fact writing it as authentically as you are make your blog stand out.
Thanks for reading any questions leave a comment below I love to hear about them.


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