You have heard of bloggers making money well here are some tips BY our guest blogger DAN:
These blogging tips are a great way to share with new blogger that are interested in a way to get paid to blog.
Once you have your blog set up, in order to make money blogging, you can no longer rely on the old ways to generate traffic to your site. Today, you must be creative and these 8 blogging tips should be of great benefit to you.
1) One of the first blogging tips that you need to know is how to drive traffic to your blog.
Driving large amounts of traffic to your blog will insure that you make money blogging. One way to get your blog found is to learn how to optimize it for the different search engines and using a SEO plug in like SeoPressor will make the job very easy for you. It will pinpoint all the areas that need to be addressed for high ranking and optimizing your blog site is also one of the great blogging tips.
Using article marketing, forum posting and commenting on other blogs is three blogging tips that I would urge you to implement immediately. This creates back linking and helps in raising your rank with sites like Google.
2) Be sure to Optimize your blog name is one of the best blogging tips that I could give you.
When you choose a domain name for your blog, be sure that the name contains your keywords and that the domain name is easy to spell. The name must tell the prospect what your blog is about. You only have 30 seconds to get a prospects attention.
3) Placing advertising on your blog is another way to get paid to blog!
Google offers a program called ad sense where you get paid each time someone visits your site and clicks on an ad that might interest them.
Amazon and Click bank are other companies that will pay you a commission but only if someone clicks on and buys something.
4) Making money blogging requires some Link Building! READ MORE on africanproblogger.com