Okay on certain weekends, I find it exciting hanging out with friends at certain spots in Lekki in Lagos; I enjoy shopping in the day time at shop rite, then it is off to an exciting weekend evening at News Cafe or at the Soul Lounge. One thing, I would say about hanging out in Lagos is there is no cover charge at these spots! So that makes it all worth while.
Check out the pictures of the hangouts especially for readers not based in Nigeria.
Congratulations to Dare Obasanjo on the birth of his lovely son. He is too cute!

Okay I know I promised some wedding pictures from the Lagos governor's niece, be patient.

Speaking of weddings tomorrow is the wedding of Miss Omosede Igbinedion to her dashing prince. We will have the scoop. so watch this space. How was your new year's day? Have you all noticed that Workforcenigeria is on the top 20 blogs in Nigeria according to afrigator? Get that new high paying job this new year via workforcenigeria. You owe it to yourself!

Classy and beautiful true love!

Oh how we love true love! Oh la la...what are you up to this new year readers? My resolution is to laugh live love be a success; find inner bliss; have no enemies just friends and do the best I can. Which reminds me of a poem i wrote years ago!
Arise my children
heed my call
I am Africa
Though time may have taken its toll
I am here my children guiding protecting to be
Strong, beautiful and Proud
Fear Not the storm
Ride through it with your head held high
though you have been beaten
I am Africa
guiding you protecting you to be
Strong ,beautiful and Oh yes so very proud.
Remembering the peom brings smiles to my face. It got a standing ovation when I read it at an event. It is actually a longer poem perhaps some other time.....
I love this song by Craig David so Unbelievable:
Finally a song I am definitely feeling is this one by Jesse Mccartney!
Gosh I love this guy? Okay just the song, he is cute though......HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!