Yvonne Chaka Chaka's song "my mamaland"(the video listed yesterday) evokes emotions in me; I love my mamaland; the red sand, the love of family, hardly would you find someone homeless. Do not discount what $300 can do in the life of an entrepreneur. As a kid when i received money as an allowance of sorts, I would save my money till I had enough to buy food items; I would then pester my mother to take me to the market and subsequently take me to the "motherless babies home" (orphanage). I would spend the day there with so much joy.
What have you done in the life of someone today? This goes to you reading this.
Now take a look below and see how African entrepreneurship is thriving!
now what are your thoughts?
Came over from Nigerian Blog Aggregators. Lovely Blog. Couldnt find the link to ur profile page anywhere!!! Where have u hidden it? LOL!!
U seem to have a fashhion blog going on here. Cool!!!!