Hello everyone I am always amazed at the talent coming out of naija and Africa as a whole,
which is what I try to portray on NAIJAGAL, the positives leaving the negative news behind.
Okay it is friday! Babaalaye is back, we thank the good lord for him. It is hard to believe with all the good
work Funmi Iyanda does for the talk show industry, getting sponsors for her show is quite a cumbersome task.
Then again, one could argue that it is because it is not a privately owned station that created and runs the show.
If I had a company in NAIJA here is what I would do:
1. Be a short code etc advertiser!
I know you are probably wondering what the heck that is, but fear not my dear fashionistas it is simply a term to describe an advertiser
such that uses the SMS technology to split revenues with the phone carier such as MTN. A good example is win 'A BRAND NEW FLAT SCREEN"
TV text XXXXX (usually 5 numbers). You will get people who would text and at N15 a text if you get say 1000 text you split this with the Mobile provider.
Not bad ugh? N75K.
2. I would definitely have my show on a private run station or better still get CHANNEL O to sponsor it somehow. We all know
Naijas love channel O and will watch that before they watch NTA. Make an argeement as to how many ties the show runs and how much you would get paid per each run.
Okay out of the business side how about some fun! It is FRIDAY and as you know We dance! YOU DANCE!
First stop Oluchi getting prepped for her runway show for hubby luca luca!
and voila the walk down the runway! She is a natural beauty in our opinion.
And finally wow! Can you say a nice video? Wait for me by Sunny Ade and Oyenka Onwenu love it love it.