Who in the world said entertainment does not pay only needs to take a look at the photograph below:

According to the NETNG  the home have been rented:
‘I know he has one house he bought in Lagos. But I’m sure he didn’t buy the house in NICON. So he must have rented the place, and it must have cost a fortune’, one source told us last night.

Sources say one of the reasons that informed Jazzy’s relocation, was when he discovered his partner  Dbanj, with whom he recently split,had changed the keys and locked up the Lekki residence once occupied by himself and Don Jazzy. We’re told the producer briefly stayed with another Mo’Hits act Dr SID at his 1004 residence, before moving into his own home.

Before moving over to Lekki, a Lagos suburb favoured by the upwardly mobile and elite Lagosians, the Mo’hits crew all lived together at the popular Maryland duplex

These days parents are simply encouraging their kids to get into the entertainment industry now can you blame them? Congrats Don Jazzy! Hopefully, issues with dbanj will get cleared up!
