Naijas first Apprentice show called the INTERN
Naijas first Apprentice show called the INTERN
Below are some of the contestants:
"The stage is set for the 10 finalists who emerged from The Intern boot camp after a rigorous selection process to jostle for the big prizes in the first ever reality TV show in the country in which everyone walks
away with prizes. The Intern is an enterprise focused reality TV show that plays the wits and genius of 10 graduate Nigerians against each other, given similar business opportunities and let the viewing public
decide who wins or who flunks out."Click here for the website
Below are some of the contestants:
"The stage is set for the 10 finalists who emerged from The Intern boot camp after a rigorous selection process to jostle for the big prizes in the first ever reality TV show in the country in which everyone walks
away with prizes. The Intern is an enterprise focused reality TV show that plays the wits and genius of 10 graduate Nigerians against each other, given similar business opportunities and let the viewing public
decide who wins or who flunks out."Click here for the website