Have you ever seen a more beautiful Cover Photograph? Naijagal Uzo Aduba Graces the cover of Essence Magazine

Hi Readers, yes I am truly back why do people keep on asking? And Yes I am freaking Real! I am going to take this blog to new heights! Here is what we are going to do. Positive stories mainly featuring my Naija gals but you know what I love some tea too so who knows. Well my story today is the Cover of Essence.
I was  walking down a grocery store aisle and what do I see right in front of me? Bam!! Our very own Naijagal Star Actress Uzo Aduba Orange is the new black on the cover!!! I wanted to yell but I held back! Grabbed my copy (I am still reading it) but just in case you haven't gotten yours, you should really check it out! Red really works with you girl!!!

It is Fire! Fire Fire!!!

Uzo Aduba’s story is drastically different from that of her Orange is the New Black character’s, Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren.
For starters, the 35-year-old actress is a self-admitted thrill seeker who is a fitness junkie and who boasts not one, but two Emmys. Oh, and she completely stuns on the cover of our September issue of ESSENCE.
“This business will try to convince you that you’re not enough,” she says in her cover story. “That you’re not pretty enough, thin enough, talented enough, interesting enough, experienced enough, and I say, ‘Enough. Enough with that!’”
Aduba explains that she struggled to merge her Nigerian roots with her Boston upbringing (she once asked her mother if she could change her name to Zoe). It wasn’t until she discovered acting that she began to truly find herself.
Aren't we all trying to find ourselves? Great work Uzo! You make Naijagals Proud!!


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