Doctor who died from Ebola continued treating patients when sick??? WHO is concerned!!!
This just in The New York Times is reporting that the WHO is concerned about the Ebola in Oil rich city Port harcourt Nigeria.
Here is what the paper had to say about to the doctor who died in Port Harcourt after treating an ecowas official allegedly called Ibukun.
Even as he developed symptoms, the statement said, the doctor “continued to treat patients at his private clinic, and operated on at least two.” Moreover, the statement said, before he was hospitalized the doctor “had numerous contacts with the community, as relatives and friends visited his home to celebrate the birth of a baby.”
Wow even had people come to his home to visit him afterr the birth of this baby ? Have to treating an ebola patient? Some something cool of the opinion that he got the virus from sanitizing the room as it was claimed what do you think about that??