by Isy Coker
Okay once again let me just say this, I am overtly critical of the documentary black in silicon valley but I have a right to be. Why you may ask?
Because Silicon Valley is near and dear to me. It is not some get rich quick place as outsiders may want to portray rather it is a place where the brightest ideas and determination would get you to the top.
A little about me, I have a passion for tech and startups, there is just something terribly sexy if I may say so when you create something out of nothing, especially software; when you have a passion for it it shows! Prior to graduating from college I was picked up by a major software company with roots in the bay area to join an elite class of 16 individuals trained on the company's software range. Training worth over $60000.
Mind you I have been using this company's software ever since. Got an interest from yahoo for an internship prior to the arrival of google, and guess what, It did not matter that I was a petite young woman but rather the company saw something in me perhapsthe passion I had for tech shone right through.
Which brings me to my point, I did not see that passion from most of the entreprenuers featured on tonight's show. Instead I came away with a sense of dissapointment. I had high expectations for this documentary instead I was left with more questions!
- What makes anyone think just because you are in the valley money woujld pour into your company as long as you ask
- Why wasn't one of the founders David Adewumi who happened to be part of the newme accelartor and who also got funded profield on the show
- Not suprised Pius Uzamere got funded, the passion he has for his product and his Becky shown right through, but get this did anyone notice he said he was CTO so is BECKY really the founder?
- Finally dress the part yes we all know zuckerberg dressed up Pajamas and got funded, well guess what you are not zuckerberg, Be you , a fashionable blazer khaki and a nice shirt would not hurt much. Take a look at your mentors Vivek and the other gentleman, they had on well tailored outfits
- So aside from Tiffani Bell and Pius ( who are both technical) I did not find the other start ups listed to be worth mentioning sorry just my two cents how about yours?