Okay readers do not be mad at your dear naijagal, I know it has been a while and well I am back and ready to "mingle" or is that how it goes.
The wedding song of the year definitely goes to PSQUARE hands down
Say readers will you come to Naijagal's wedding? Well you have to buy the "gele"
Okay, I know you would rather I get down to business so here goes!
Wedding Website list! 2008. Please this post is not an invitation to attend the wedding of the couples listed and should by no means be construed as such.
I love this first site, nothing like a mix of two cultures, yoruba and Ibo.
Tope and her hubby to be Chukwudi
Next stop.
Gosh I have got the wedding bug readers, so fine!
Mollie and Nemu
Evana and Chinedu, nice couple great pictures, kai, love is sweet!
Chinedu says no one like Evana
Brenda and Emmanuel
Brenda and Emmanuel
Mark and Broadwin
The cutest couple
Oiza and Tare
Whew thats it for now readers! Question readers, who is the hottie in the psquare video, not peter not paul not the guy on the drums but the one on the keyboard? Naijagal wants to know