Just in case you missed news line readers, well Pastor Chris Okotie has found his bride. Her name is Stephanie Henshaw and he seemed pretty excited to announce his new bride to his church for the first time. In other news, Soul E who according to " the News" has opened up his own church and I quote: "Soul E and wife, Queen Ure, who were expelled from Okotie’s Household of God Church last year, have opened their own church.The church, D’Love Villa, also known as Heaven on Earth, launched three weeks ago with about 20 worshippers, now boasts over 60 members.D’Love Villa is located at 28, Adeyemo Akapo Street, Omole Phase 1, Ogba, Lagos and holds its services every Sunday between 9 and 11a.m.Unlike most pastors who spend years in Bible colleges training as men of God, P.M.News gathered that Soul E and wife never attended any Bible school." “I am a singer by profession but I am a preacher by calling,” SoulE told P.M.News kudos to him and I must say it is a blessing to...